Monthly Archives: April 2018

House Hunters: Normal People Edition

Now that I’m in my mid-30’s, I like to think I have a good handle on my strengths and weaknesses. For example…


Writing good-ish.

Keeping my children alive.

Playing beer pong.


Pronouncing the names of fancy wines

Eating only one doughnut.

Buying a home.

It’s that last one that I’m now having to confront (she types while dipping her third doughnut into a glass of unpronounceable fancy wine). See, I am a lifelong renter. I’ve lived in three states, moved into six different places, and throughout it all I’ve managed to dodge this Great American Milestone.

On purpose.

In fact, very few things in this world make me more exhausted than even the mere thought of buying a house. It’s just so involved. So complicated. So very, very boring. The whole home owner rigmarole doesn’t interest me in the least. I’m horrible at interior decorating (every room should just be filled with overloaded bookshelves). I’ve never gardened (my windowsill basil plant left a suicide note). And I’ve survived quite well thus far not knowing what any tool besides a hammer is.





If it were up to me, I’d just move into an abandoned library and leave it as is. Each kid would get their own shelf to sleep in and I’d build us a couch out of Stephen King paperbacks.

Speaking of kids, I made two of them. I made HUMANS. From SCRATCH. And it was still less painful and panic-inducing to me than buying a house is.

Because for all the incomprehensible things my kids do, they have never asked me for a $43,000 down payment. Or asked me to figure out what the hell an escrow is (not a bird, in case you were wondering, like I was).


I mean, it’s a house. Shelter. One of humanities basic needs. We used to just murder a bunch of trees and stick ‘em on top of each other and be done with it.

But trying to procure one now (especially when you live on a budget that includes arguments over how many paper towels someone just wasted because paper towels ain’t cheap, RYAN) is completely overwhelming.

The whole process needs to be vastly simplified. Here’s how it should go, in my opinion.

See a house.

Tell whoever I see first at the bank, hey, I would like that house.

Pay us this reasonable amount every month for 30 years, random bank clerk responds.

OK, great. Where do I sign?


Move in.

BOOM. Done.

But no. We need a real estate agent and an appraiser and a bank loan officer and a mortgage lender and a mortgage broker and a home inspector and an insurance agent and then there is the seller and the seller’s agent and the title company and zzzzzzzzzz…

And that’s not counting all the research we have to do first into the neighborhood and the crime rate and the school district. Followed by all the competing bids we’ll have to make against all the other parents who also researched that same good neighborhood with the low crime rate and the decent school district.

Oh, that we could just continue renting forever. Or start squatting in an abandoned library.

But, sigh, the kids. Our kids. They deserve roots. They deserve a community and a good school they don’t have to leave because our rent skyrocketed and we had no control over it. They deserve a place to permanently call home.

I want to give them these things. I really do. I just don’t know why I have to go through 24 people sporting garish blazers first (at least three of whom will be named Sharon) in order to make that happen.

I love where we live now. But short of me marrying our landlord, which my husband for some reason is vehemently opposed to, there is no guarantee we’ll be able to stay indefinitely.

So, as they say, let the house hunting begi…zzzzzzzzzzzz


Insomnia is the new black

You know a fun time to start thinking every thought in the entire world? From 2-5 a.m. Although 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. is also fantastic. Or, on really special occasions, both of those time frames in the same night.

How many baby wipes do we have left?

What’s the date? When are taxes due?

I forgot to clip the dog’s toenails again. Poor baby. He’s practically walking on stilts.

How can Anna Faris possibly have moved on from Chris Pratt already?

Just laying there in bed. All snuggled up. All quiet and calm. While your brain races around like its been soaking in a solution of bath salts and Red Bull.

I don’t care what my husband says. I’m still pretty sure I could outrun a bear.

I should sign up for another 5K. See if Emily wants to run with me.

Man, when is the last time I talked to Emily? It’s been…months. She probably thinks I’m an awful human being.

Oh good, now I’m going to painstakingly analyze every female relationship I’ve ever had one by one to search for signs of just how awful and selfish I am.

This isn’t the first time I’ve suffered from insomnia. It’s happened periodically for months at a time throughout my life. Even as a kid I dealt with it. But this current bout is particularly cruel since both my kids are now sleeping consistently through the night. So, of course, now that I finally can, I can’t.

Insomnia. Is that a good column idea? Probably not.

What was the name of that mom I met on the playground again? Sounded something like Blippy? Or maybe it was Karen? Ugh. Why can’t everyone in the world just wear name tags?

Stop thinking about that comment on Facebook. Stop thinking about that comment on Facebook. Stop thinking about that comment on Facebook.

The bags under my eyes are so heavy I have to pay an extra baggage fee every time I fly in an airplane. I’m having trouble finishing my sentences because my brain is on auto-pilot. In fact, my 4-year-old has gotten really good at finishing my thoughts for me.

Me: Honey, please finish your…um…

Riker: Food?

Me: Yes. Thank you. And then put your plate into the…thing…the place…

Riker: Kitchen?

If I fall asleep RIGHT NOW, I can still get a solid three hours. Sigh. Breathe. Relax…

Where did that giant mystery bruise on my thigh come from? I wonder if, when you die, along with learning all the mysteries of the universe, you also get a montage of all the times you got a mystery bruise and what actually caused them.

Speaking of montages, how do I stop this memory that just arose unbidden of that time I got really drunk when I was 29 and made an ass out of myself?

It sucks being bad at a necessary biological function. I don’t want sleeping pills. I want to be able to hear if my children need me in the middle of the night. And life isn’t worth living if I have to give up coffee. So right now I’m just trying to ride it out. Clinging to the hope that the insomnia will end on its own soon.

I know I don’t have to pee now but I probably will in roughly 17 minutes so maybe I should just get up and go now.

I should really change all my passwords again. Except I don’t know any of my current passwords.

I’m going to die before I watch all the shows I want to and before reading all the books in the world. That’s so DEPRESSING.

Maybe insomnia is a good column idea.

Chris Pratt should marry Aubrey Plaza in real life. That would show Anna.

I now dread going to bed. I know the only thing that awaits me is tossing and turning. Racing thoughts. Irrational anger at the quiet snoring of both my husband and my dog.

And then there’s the whole pretending to be a functioning human being the next day.

But I guess it could be worse. It could be…um…the…

Uh…you know…

Hey, Riker! Come over here…